Hair Growth Brush

Color:  Black
/** @private {string} */ class SpzCustomAnchorScroll extends SPZ.BaseElement { static deferredMount() { return false; } constructor(element) { super(element); /** @private {Element} */ this.scrollableContainer_ = null; } isLayoutSupported(layout) { return layout == SPZCore.Layout.LOGIC; } buildCallback() { this.viewport_ = this.getViewport(); this.initActions_(); } setTarget(containerId, targetId) { this.containerId = '#' + containerId; this.targetId = '#' + targetId; } scrollToTarget() { const container = document.querySelector(this.containerId); const target = container.querySelector(this.targetId); const {scrollTop} = container; const eleOffsetTop = this.getOffsetTop_(target, container); this.viewport_ .interpolateScrollIntoView_( container, scrollTop, scrollTop + eleOffsetTop ); } initActions_() { this.registerAction( 'scrollToTarget', (invocation) => this.scrollToTarget(invocation?.caller) ); this.registerAction( 'setTarget', (invocation) => this.setTarget(invocation?.args?.containerId, invocation?.args?.targetId) ); } /** * @param {Element} element * @param {Element} container * @return {number} * @private */ getOffsetTop_(element, container) { if (!element./*OK*/ getClientRects().length) { return 0; } const rect = element./*OK*/ getBoundingClientRect(); if (rect.width || rect.height) { return - container./*OK*/ getBoundingClientRect().top; } return; } } SPZ.defineElement('spz-custom-anchor-scroll', SpzCustomAnchorScroll); const STRENGTHEN_TRUST_URL = "/api/strengthen_trust/settings"; class SpzCustomStrengthenTrust extends SPZ.BaseElement { constructor(element) { super(element); this.renderElement_ = null; } isLayoutSupported(layout) { return layout == SPZCore.Layout.CONTAINER; } buildCallback() { this.xhr_ = SPZServices.xhrFor(; const renderId = this.element.getAttribute('render-id'); SPZCore.Dom.waitForChild( document.body, () => !!document.getElementById(renderId), () => { this.renderElement_ = SPZCore.Dom.scopedQuerySelector( document.body, `#${renderId}` ); if (this.renderElement_) { this.render_(); } this.registerAction('track', (invocation) => { this.track_(invocation.args); }); } ); } render_() { this.fetchData_().then((data) => { if (!data) { return; } SPZ.whenApiDefined(this.renderElement_).then((apis) => { apis?.render(data); document.querySelector('#strengthen-trust-render-1539149753700').addEventListener('click',(event)=>{ if( == 'A'){ this.track_({type: 'trust_content_click'}); } }) }); }); } track_(data = {}) { const track = &&; if (!track) { return; } track('trust_enhancement_event', data); } parseJSON_(string) { let result = {}; try { result = JSON.parse(string); } catch (e) {} return result; } fetchData_() { return this.xhr_ .fetchJson(STRENGTHEN_TRUST_URL) .then((responseData) => { if (!responseData || ! { return null; } const data =; const moduleSettings = (data.module_settings || []).reduce((result, moduleSetting) => { return result.concat(Object.assign(moduleSetting, { logos: (moduleSetting.logos || []).map((item) => { return moduleSetting.logos_type == 'custom' ? this.parseJSON_(item) : item; }) })); }, []); return Object.assign(data, { module_settings: moduleSettings, isEditor: window.self !==, }); }); } } SPZ.defineElement('spz-custom-strengthen-trust', SpzCustomStrengthenTrust);


The All-In-One Intensive Haircare Tool To Fuller, Longer & Healthier Hair!

  • Stimulates hair growth with 650nm red laser light
  • Regulates scalp oiliness and adds shine with blue light therapy
  • Promotes scalp health and reduces hair loss with massaging action
  • Ensures deep absorption of oils/serums with a heatless nano-atomizer
  • Offers a stress-relieving experience through therapeutic scalp massages

How Each Mode Works

Red Light Feature: Utilizes a 650nm wavelength to deliver low-level laser light, aiming to invigorate hair follicles for potential growth. It’s designed to boost circulation to the scalp, potentially leading to denser, healthier hair.

Blue Light Feature: Offers 470nm blue light therapy to help manage scalp oil production and reduce greasiness, contributing to scalp health and hair’s natural luster. Its antimicrobial action targets scalp bacteria, promoting a cleaner scalp environment.

Scalp Massager: Integrates 3-modes massaging feature to increase scalp blood flow, delivering essential nutrients and oxygen to support follicle health and help in preventing hair loss, while also providing a relaxing experience that may reduce stress.

Nano-Atomizing Advantage: Features a nano-atomizer for a uniform and efficient application of hair oils and serums, ensuring deeper absorption without heat, maximizing the benefits of your hair care products.

 How To Use

  1. Charge It: Before the first use, make sure your device is fully charged.
  2. Daily Use: Set aside 10-15 minutes daily for your rejuvenation session.
  3. Light Therapy: Focus the device on areas you want to treat for a few minutes each.
  4. Essential Oils: If you’re using oils, mix them with a carrier oil like jojoba or coconut oil first to avoid irritation.
  5. Apply: Gently apply the diluted oils to your hair as needed.